5 Districts DCM & GSR Meeting
Districts 9, 10, 12, 14, 15
Encompassing Greater Victoria and the Southern Gulf Islands
Where District Committee Members, General Service Representatives, and Committee Chairs meet to share their experience strength and hope in unity for our districts.
Hybrid Meetings are held at 1 p.m. on the 4th Sunday of each month.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 848 0626 3242
Passcode: 275864
St. John the Divine Church
1611 Quadra Street (At Mason) Victoria, BC (Map)
Chair 5districtschair@gmail.com
5 Districts DCM & GSR Meeting Statement of Purpose:
What: Carry the A.A. message through the service structure by supporting outreach, communication and event coordination for the mutual benefit of the groups and districts within Greater Victoria and the Southern Gulf Islands in a manner which is complementary to the activities of Victoria Intergroup.
How: 5 Districts acts as a link that connects groups and the districts to A.A. as a whole while carrying the A.A. message by:
- Coordinating meetings and providing financial and human resources to Archives, Corrections, Treatment, and Grapevine with committees/Chairs.
- Providing a platform of communication that serves to answer questions and support discussion and disseminate information relating to the service structure and encouraging participation in that structure
- Pooling financial and human resources to facilitate District Committee Member participation at Area Quarterlies/Assemblies and funding service events in the Greater Victoria area such as Gratitude Day and other seminars and workshops.
What happens at a 5 Districts DCM GSR Meeting?
At our monthly meetings we encourage participation from all groups through their G.S.R. or Alternate G.S.R. This is an opportunity for groups to connect and exchange information with our fellowship. G.S.R.’s are asked to give a brief report on their groups. The DCM’s give district reports and also report on their experience at Area Assemblies and Quarterlies. As well, the committee chairs give their reports on activity in the past month.
The elected positions are: Chair, Alternate Chair, Treasurer, and Alternate, Secretary, Archives Chair and Alternate, Corrections Chair and Alternate, Grapevine Chair and Alternate, Intergroup Liaison, Treatment/Special Needs/ Accessibilities Chair and Alternate.
All positions are 2 years in length coinciding with the term of the Area 79 delegate. In the spirit of rotation, elections are held every second November in even numbered years.
5 Districts Committees:
Archives: Receive, classify, and index all relevant material, such as administrative files and records, correspondence, and literary works and artifacts considered to have historical importance to Alcoholics Anonymous in Greater Victoria. (A.A. Guidelines—Archives)
Corrections: Encourages A.A. members to assume responsibility for carrying the message to alcoholics behind the walls. (A.A. Service Manual)
Grapevine: The District GVR (Grapevine Rep) serves as the link between group GVR’s and the Area service structure. The 5- Districts GVR also has the practical goal of encouraging every group to have a Grapevine Rep. (Grapevine Workbook)
Treatment/SpecialNeeds-Accessibilities: Coordinates the work of individual A.A. members and groups who carry the A.A. message of recovery to alcoholics in treatment facilities, and hospitals and sets up means of bridging the gap from treatment to A.A. In addition, the committee supports the work of individual A.A. members and groups endeavouring to insure that those with special needs have access to the A.A. message. (A.A. Service Manual)
7th Tradition:
Is your group supporting A.A. as a whole?
E-Transfers to 5 Districts can be sent to 5districtstreasurer@gmail.com
Cash, cheques or money orders can be made payable to ‘5 Districts’
Drop off or mail to:
GSR Committee
C/O Victoria Central Office
#8—2020 Douglas Street
Victoria, BC V8T 4L1
Please include your group name and service number.
- 5 Districts Outreach Initiative (docx, 1 page)
- 5 Districts Travel Subsidy Guidelines & Application (docx, 1 page)
- 5 Districts Meeting Pamphlet (pdf, 2 pages)
- 5 Districts Map (png)
- District 10/14/15 (png)
- AA Service Manual (aa.org)
- Grapevine Workbook (aagrapevine.org)
- AA Guidelines on Archives (aa.org)